20 30 40

20 30 4020 30 40
  1. 民国时期甘肃农家经济研究以20世纪3040年代为中心20世纪20~30年代的西北区域地质调查

    The economic research of Gansu Area 's Farmer in the Period of the Republic Of China & Age 30-40 in the 20 ~ ( th ) century as the center

  2. 您可看到pureXML查询的速度可以很轻松地达到CLOB列中的XML速度的20、30或40倍。

    You can see that pureXML queries can easily be20,30 or40 times faster than queries over XML in CLOB columns .

  3. WhatsApp在5年时间里摧毁了短信市场,而过去这个过程会需要20、30甚至40年。

    WhatsApp destroyed the SMS market in five years where it would have taken 20 , 30 , 40 before .

  4. 在报告设计期间,先设置一些值,例如20、30和40。

    During report design time , you will set some values , such as20,30 , and40 .

  5. 具体的说,20世纪30和40年代好莱坞的女性电影是如何实现其社会意义的?

    Specifically speaking , how did Hollywood 's woman 's films of the 1930s and 1940s come to mean in their social sense ?

  6. 两个国家近年来因为日本在20世纪30到40年代对中国的侵略和占领的问题而争执。

    The two countries have been at odds in recent years over Japan 's invasions and occupation of China in the1930s and '40s .

  7. 从20世纪30、40年代开始,炉外精炼技术迅速的发展成为钢铁业的一项重要技术。

    The refining out of furnace had rapidly become one of the most important technique from the 30 and 40 dating in the 20th century .

  8. 最近我常常思考我们的世界以及它在过去的20,30,40年里经历了何等的转变。

    I 've been thinking a lot about the world recently and how it 's changed over the last 20 , 30 , 40 years .

  9. 20世纪30、40年代,他就资本主义社会写过一系列颇有见地的专著,其中包括对通用汽车管理模式的一项重要研究。

    In the 1930s and 1940s he wrote a series of thoughtful books on capitalist society , including an important study of the management of General Motors .

  10. 20世纪30至40年代发生的中国抗日战争,应是14年而非8年。

    The Chinese Anti Japanese War , which broke out in the 30 40 's in the 20th century , lasted for fourteen years , not eight years .

  11. 于阻断后20、30、40、60、80、120、160min取肝组织标本在电镜下观察。

    Ultramicroscopic structure of hepatic tissue were observed by electron microscope after 20 , 30 , 40 , 60 , 80 , 120 and 160 minutes of operation .

  12. 20世纪30、40年代出现的文艺心理学知识主要是关于文艺鉴赏心理、文学家的心理结构和文艺创作心理三个方面。

    The knowledge of Literary Psychology emerging in 1930s and 1940s was relating to three aspects , including appreciative psychology on the literature and art , the psychological structure of literalists and their creative psychology .

  13. 研究了水中丙酮在活性炭上的吸附平衡与动力学曲线,对在20、30、40℃下的吸附等温线用Freundich方程拟合,得出了满意的结果。

    Acetone recovering from water with activated carbon has been studied . The adsorption isotherms of acetone on an activated carbon at 20,30 and 40 ℃ were measured and correlated in terms of Freundlich equation .

  14. 日本和韩国厂家建立起了全球声誉,但它们花了20、30甚至40年,即便那样也没有削弱比它们更早的老品牌的全球优势。

    The Japanese and - Koreans built up global reputations , but it took them 20 or 30 or 40 years & and that still did not erode the global advantage of those that existed before .

  15. 苏州评弹源于苏州,19世纪末进入上海并于20世纪30、40年代达到辉煌,成为民众最普遍的娱乐方式。

    Suzhou Pingtan originated in Suzhou and flowed into Shanghai in the latter half of the 19th century . It became one of the most popular entertainments among the masses in the 30s of the 20th century .

  16. 基因工程菌转接10、20、30、40、50次,重组质粒保持良好的结构稳定性,基因工程菌对镍的富集能力也具有较好的稳定性。

    The structure of the recombined plasmid was stable and the genetic engineered strain had continuous effective biosorption capability after the strain had been transferred inoculation for 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 times .

  17. 保罗犹他爵士成为NBA历史上第5支从20世纪30年代到40年代到50年代的有4个赛季打入季后赛的球队。

    The utah Jazz become the 5th team in NBA history to go from in the 20s to the 30s to the 40s to the 50s in 4 seasons .

  18. 将一定量尾蚴分别移入1、10、20、30℃和40℃水中,后采用接触法感染小鼠30min,观察各水温组鼠感染率和虫负荷。

    The mice were infected with cercariae in 1 , 10 , 20 , 30 ℃ and 40 ℃ water for 30 minutes respectively , the infection rates and mean worm burden of mice were investigated .

  19. 从20世纪30年代到40年代,制造了许多类似计算机的机器。

    Starting in the1930s and through the1940s , a number of machines were developed that were like computers .

  20. 《英国病人》以倒叙的形式讲述了一名考古勘探者20世纪30年代和40年代初期在埃及的经历。

    The English Patient tells the story in flashback of an archaeological explorer 's experiences in Egypt in the 1930s and early 1940s .

  21. 20世纪30年代至40年代,法国和日本先后以武力非法侵占中国南沙群岛部分岛礁。对此,中国人民奋起抵抗,当时中国政府采取一系列措施,捍卫对南沙群岛的主权。

    When France and Japan invaded and illegally occupied by force some islands and reefs of China 's Nansha Qundao in the 1930s and 1940s , the Chinese people rose to fight back strenuously and the Chinese government took a series of measures to defend China 's sovereignty over Nansha Qundao .